self-Learn's e-Manuals for Mentors/Guides and for Users self-Learn’s strong challenge comes from its offering to the learners to develop themselves on their own; while allowing mentors/guides to offer their assistance in case the end user is not capable of initiating the practicing alone. Thus, the most significant impact on low-skilled adults is motivating themselves for self-development by putting social pressure aside during their learning efforts and overcoming their unwillingness to learn, where this unwillingness arises from discouragement because of fear of failure. Thus the most significant impact of self-Learn on low-skilled adults is removing all barriers including the embarrassment factor, and opening new horizons for their self-development, although our users are now willing and eager to improve their basic skills. In parallel, family members or close friends who aim to guide/support self-Learn's existing low-skilled adults in their upskilling efforts will have a systematic tool and approach. If a daughter/son, for example, is willing to support their mother/father in their upskilling efforts; they will have a better-standing thanks to self-Learn’s guidance tool presented online through the link below, to achieve this aim. Therefore, self-Learn’s primary aim is removing practical life barriers preventing low-skilled adults from stepping further in their self-development in the short and medium terms; which will result in increasing self-confidence, self-development ability, and employability, as a minimum. Moreover, upskilling will improve individuals' wealth (in parallel to improved employability and/or better employment) causing richer/wealthier lives in the medium/long term. In parallel to the fact that some low-skilled adults are facing difficulties in installing the App and launching, and/or even beyond; guidance/mentoring by family members/close relatives is organized by below separate “guidance” and “training” for this group of users. Advises/directions on how to handle and encourage low-skilled adults for their self-development and directions on how to use the App are documented in a systematic and didactic way. Finally, the guidance of low-skilled adults' by their guide/mentor is sort of a backup, should the low-skilled adult still hesitate to launch. The second version of the e-Manual is targeting the App usage by the end users. |